It's the heartwarming tale of a little alien just trying to find his way home by stealing the eyes of unsuspecting people in Vision By Proxy: Second Edition from DeLeonGames, a fully authorised remake of a student project from Georgia Tech (Team Rose) that debuted at 2010's E3 IndieCade showcase. In this little puzzle platforming adventure, you'll guide our little blue bided outsider in search of the missing part he needs to repair his ship after he crashes on Earth. He's only got the one eye, however, and our world looks foreign to him... so it's time to give The Sandman a run for his money and snatch the eyeballs of various characters, which lets you see the world in different ways. Use the [WASD] or [arrow] keys to move, [spacebar] to jump, and click on any eyes you get at the top of the screen, or use the number keys to swap between them.
A little cute and a little creepy (okay, maybe more than a little), Vision By Proxy is a clever concept with a slightly clunky execution. With its repetitious stages it winds up still feeling more experimental than anything else, and a few different eyeballs to yank would have done wonders for keeping it fresh as you go along. Despite this, however, the game still plays and looks quite good, with its storybook illustrations and beautiful artwork. The idea of having the landscape change vastly depending on whose eye you happen to be looking through makes for an interesting spot of gameplay that we'd love to see explored more in the future. Have a peek at it, but just remember; eyeball stealing is not a game and is more likely to earn you a jacket that gives you continuous hugs than it is a nifty flying saucer.
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