Friday, 19 August 2011

Link Dump Friday

Okie dokie lokie! No time to waste. It's Friday and you know what that means... time to break out the corpses, the lurking rabbitmen, the alarmingly well-equipped rats and the endless tide of soulless robots! If none of that sounds appealing, then clearly you aren't cut out for this week's Link Dump Friday. I don't know why... it's all good, clean, wholesome stuff. Did you see the segment Martha Stewart did on shambling corpses last week? It was gorgeous!

The Saddest Zombie - [Parental Advisory: Contains extreme violence and gore.] Oh, what a lovely little spot-the-difference game! Sure, it's got zombies, but it'll probably be all heartwarming and junk... it is very Christmassy, after all! So let's just click on the next few pages andARRRRRRRRRGH! Wha... what is... why would you eveWAAAAAAAAAUGH! W-well... I'm sure that it's... kind of endearing? Let me just take another looBLAAAAAARGH!

Mechanical Puzzles - Puzzles and physics! They go together like sardines and jam! (Oh, and I suppose your tastes are so perfect and universally loved?) In this homage to games like The Incredible Machine, you'll Rube Golderberg your way through a serious of increasingly elaborate contraptions... that is, when the physics decide to play nice.

We Are the Robots 2 - Robots are all about teamwork, which is why when the mechanical uprising comes it will be as brutal and painful as it will be swift and colour-coded for easy reference. Make chains and earn power-ups and upgrades in this match-3, Tetris-like, falling blocks game. It might be easy, but don't let them hear you say that. Robots are also all about swift and merciless retribution on their detractors.

Gentlemen Rats in Outer Space - Anyone who grew up in the '80s knows that rats are anything but gentlemen, but as long as they're confining themselves to elaborate rodent-driven contraptions in outerspace they can call themselves whatever they want. Set your rocket's power and trajectory to help the rat conquer the moon (which is made of cheese, you see) while avoiding all the obstacles and perils in its way. Just make sure you don't shine any black lights around after the rat is gone because, seriously, ughughughugh you are better off not knowing.

Yokuaru - If you're into surreal escape games then there's a good chance Detarou already holds the key to your heart. With strange men standing silently in closets, clues hidden everywhere, and bunnymen doing dramatic reveals on the balcony, this is another fine installment in What The Heck Did I Just Play? Kind of makes you wonder what would happen if Minoto and Detarou combined forces.
(Answer: The universe couldn't handle it.)

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